Wednesday 14 October 2015

Character Research

The are a few key aspects about my character:

  • She is female
  • She is 20 years old
  • She enjoys going out clubbing and drinking
  • She is very loud and confident (especially when drinking)
The story
My character is out on a fairly standard typical night out with her friends in a quite casual club. They are on the busy dance floor, drinks in hand, when another group of girls start bumping into them and barging them out of the way, My character begins to push back and it all starts to get quite heavy-handed, eventually a bouncer steps in and gives all of the girls a warning. The girls separate, and go they're own ways...

Later on in the night, out of no where, the other girl comes at my character with glass bottle, and tries to smash it round the back of her head. My character sees her out of the corner of her eye and tries to move out of the way. The girl manages to make enough contact to smash the bottle, and it hits my character at quite an awkward angle in her neck, leaving a glass shard piece sticking out of her neck. Blood begins running out of the wound and dripping down her neck. 

Her appearance
  • Wearing a fairly casual top, white jeans and high heels
  • Quite heavy 'modern' make-up, e.g. contouring & highlighting, false eyelashes, heavy eyeshadow (but in neutral colours), dark lipstick, etc.
  • Just before I take the pictures, I am going to drip some water down the face to show a couple of tears, but it is so soon after the event that the character is in shock and the pain has not actually hit her yet. Also, she will be wearing double-wear foundation, which is water resistant, so the make-up will not really move very much, unless she was substantially crying
  • Hair will have side parting and be straightened
  • Painted finger nails

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