Saturday 24 October 2015

The Final Images And Evaluation

Overall, I was fairly happy with my character and wound, but I do feel that it could've been better. I feel that from a distance the wound looks good, and it is fairly obvious that the wound is very recent, because there is not an extensive amount of blood, and the glass is clearly still in the wound (which I think definitely makes the wound). 

However, on close-up pictures, the actual wound and the area around the glass is too smooth - there needed to be more texture and fine lines/wrinkles. Also, the edges needed to be more seamless and blended out smoother. The contrast between the wrinkles in the neck/boldiez, and smoothness of the wound is too harsh, and makes it stand out and appear almost slightly rubbery.

I am happy with the characters make-up, although you can barely see the tears/marks it had left, so if I had more time then I definitely would have made this more obvious, and perhaps even smudged the make-up slightly, but I did not want this to be too obvious, because the model is still just in shock at this point, and the adrenaline is kicking in, meaning she does not feel the pain very much. I am happy with the colour match of the wound, and the amount/placement of blood - I feel that this is quite realistic and is not too overdramatic and theatrical. 

So overall, I am fairly happy with it for a first attempt, and it has taught me a lot of important and relevant information already. I have enjoyed creating these wounds and moulds, and creating my character, but I would now definitely feel much more confident if I were to do it again, knowing all of the information that I know now, and I feel that I would produce a stronger outcome. 

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