Saturday 24 October 2015

Tchnical Folder - Removing The Wound From The Mould

To remove the wound from the mould, you must be extremely careful as the piece is very delicate and can rip very easily...
  1. You must smother the piece in powder (e.g. baby powder, Illamasqua translucent powder, etc)
  2. You should then use a paint brush and carefully push it into the edges of the mould so that the boldiez starts to become loose and detach from the mould
  3. You should keep applying the powder and working the piece away from the mould 
I actually found this one of the hardest parts of the whole process! I did not quite realise how delicate the piece was, and underestimated how hard it would be to remove the wound. As you can see, as a result, some of my boldiez was missing at the edge and this meant that one "corner" of my wound was very close to the edge. 

After discussing with Kat, we decided that this would still be OK to work with. I then slightly trimmed around the edge (as I did not need all of that boldiez), leaving at least 1 cm of boldiez around the wound. However, I felt that the actual wound itself had worked well, e.g. the glass indentation was deep and snug enough for it to sit in place (with some help of something tacky), but it was not the whole way through so that the glass would be touching the model's skin. 

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